Tuesday, July 6, 2010

nothing ends up right when you're in a craze

This is how I looked on July 3:
sweater: Old Navy.....tanktop: H&M.....jeans: Charlotte Russe
mini-socks: Payless.....shoes: Target

Saturday, I got a trim and my eyebrows waxed. If it weren't for the wedding I was attending the following Monday, I would have just gotten a trim. I do have to say, I prefer having someone else wax my brows instead of doing it myself. It's way less painful that way.


  1. Love that sweater (as you know I have a navy one and a black one)! That color look fantastic on you! Also loving the purple flats lady!

    Digging the bright colors, you look great!!

  2. I think I need to get back to wearing bright colours at work. It's just so much easier to do it on the weekend, though.
