Sunday, October 3, 2010

from your red balloon, you were a super high tech jet fighter.

On the drive back to Boston from Montreal, we made a pit-stop in Maine to eat lobster.

This is how I looked on Sept. 18:
location: The Lobster Shack at Two Lights, Cape Elizabeth, ME

sweater: H&M.....tanktop: H&M.....jeans: Steve & Barry's
socks: Target.....Nike sneakers: Kohls

Where I am standing in the first photo is about twenty to thirty feet away from The Lobster Shack's picnic tables. The combination of the breathtaking views of the rocky Atlantic coast and the food make this restaurant a dining destination.

I first learnt of this place from the Portland, ME episode of Man V. Food. The sight of the beautiful lobster rolls was engrained in my memory, so I made it a point for us to check out The Lobster Shack on our New England road trip.

The lobster rolls!

Brian had two, and I had one. He wolfed his down while I slowly cherished mine. We each ate our lobster rolls with a side salad and a slice of strawberry-rhubarb pie. That was our favourite meal of the entire trip! Eating such fresh and delicious lobster in Maine is an experience we would gladly love to repeat over and over.


  1. omg I saw that ep! Lucky lucky lucky you and Brian ate those! They look aaaahmazing!

  2. I wholeheartedly recommend The Lobster Shack at Two Lights to you!! GO!!!

    Thank goodness Adam Richman eats at goood places for the non-competition parts of his show!
