Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm in the mood for a Sharkarita on the rocks, no salt.

cardigan: PacSun.....tanktop: H&M.....skirt: Wal-Mart
bracelet & necklace: home-made.....right-hand ring: (2001?)

My outfit for today was inspired by the old skool colour scheme of the SJ Sharks -- teal, black, and grey.

base-metal chain, toggle clasp, and head pins from Michaels + leftover beads =
a totally cool necklace!

L.e.i. tweed Mary Janes <3!


  1. Wow, those are great shoes! I never look at clothes in WalMart (I'm always so desperate to get out of there as fast as possible) but I'll have to start browsing!

    I am envious of your team's colours... maroon & navy blue are okay but not as great as yours!

  2. What's funny is that I go to this one particular Wal-Mart in Fremont that's off the freeway to RELAX after work. It also happens to be a Wal-Mart that isn't as popular as the others in the area.

    Well, I'm envious of your team's Stanley Cups!
