Saturday, October 17, 2009

drop your socks and grab your mini boombox.

Brian thought I looked like a freak for wearing this outfit to lunch at 24-Hour Mini Gourmet and to buy a heavy-duty shredder at Office Depot.

I didn't really know what I was thinking when I planned today's outfit --- all I wanted was an outfit to wear with these bright purple footless tights that I purchased on clearance at Target back in May.

sweater: H&M.....tanktop: Kohls.....skirt: NY & Company
tights: Target.....boring secret socks: Bakers Shoes

The skirt is hitched all the way up to my chest because I wanted more of the tights to show.

Today marked the second time I wore these tights. The only other time was under my wedding dress back in June. (haha, I'll post a pic of that later!)

I've worn this same black tanktop three times this week. Well, I admit, I have a tendency to wear a top two or three times during the course of the week because I'm just that lazy. Oh wells. At least, I change up the sweater worn over it.




  1. A freak? Nooo no look AWESOME! I LOVE those tights, and with the gray and black..perfect! LOVE! xoxo

  2. Thank you for thinking I don't look like a freak! :) This stripey sweater will be worn with more bright tights.

  3. I agree, not a freak! I love it. I've always been scared of footless tights but maybe that's 'cause I don't own any boots! I always see those footless Target clearance tights and I'm tempted since they're so cheap! I'll have to find some cute boots one of these days. Anyway, yeah, cute outfit!

  4. Thank you for also thinking I don't look like a freak~!

    I think footless tights serve a purpose for something? Like if you want your bare foot in the shoe, I guess.

    Oh, and I'll be wearing this particular pair of tights with boots from now on because the brown boots scuffed up the fabric.
